About This Game Welcome, operator! Join the elite international special operations task force Thunder and rush out to save the world from the evil White Octopus - a terrorist organisation threatening the global security. Thunder Tier One is a top-down tactical shooter that let's you play as tier one operator across various scenarios located all around the globe. The game offers Singleplayer mode with 10-mission story driven campaign as well as quick modes such as Lone Wolf or Stand Ground. However, the true essence of the game is to be experienced in Multiplayer, which features 4 player COOP mode (with optional AI subordinates!) and PVP modes (Hostage Rescue, Search Party, Escape and Evade and Team Elimination). 7aa9394dea Title: Thunder Tier OneGenre: Action, Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:fragOut StudioPublisher:fragOut StudioRelease Date: TBA Thunder Tier One Download Utorrent
Thunder Tier One Download Utorrent
Updated: Mar 13, 2020
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